Flat Roof Snow and Ice Prevention

Flat roofs can provide many unique challenges. In addition to ice dams and icicle buildup, snow load, drainage, and maintenance access become larger concerns. Fortunately, Warmquest can provide solutions for managing snow and ice on flat roofs.

Warmquest uses a variety of roof deicing products to provide customized solutions for roof deicing on buildings large and small. For flat roofs, ZMesh is often the product of choice, though others may fit the need.

ZMesh is a unique low voltage heating system. The heating element is a woven bronze mesh, about the thickness of a window screen. When connected to a power source this mesh provides an even warmth across the entire surface. ZMesh is powered via a low voltage transformer inside of the control unit. Systems can be activated in a variety of automated or manual methods.

The unique nature of ZMesh allows it to be installed directly beneath any non conductive roofing material. It can be nailed or stapled through, allowing for a great deal of flexibility by installers. On flat roofs, where membrane is often the material of choice, there is no better solution. The mesh is installed on the sub-roof and then covered with the roofing membrane.

ZMesh and our other roof deicing products can be used on flat roofs to:

  • Control snow accumulation in trouble spots or critical areas.
  • Prevent drifting snow from building up and creating problems.
  • Guide drainage and provide a clear path for melted snow to enter drains or flow off the roof.
  • Keep walking paths clear for regular maintenance access.
  • Clear entire roof for a completely snow free surface.

When installation beneath roofing materials is not feasible, we offer GutterMelt, a self regulating cable that can be used to encourage drainage and prevent ice dams. In some cases, GutterMelt can be paired with an under roof system to provide an even more comprehensive solution. Consider installing GutterMelt inside of drains and downspouts that carry water off the roof. Clients have also installed GutterMelt along safety tie off points to prevent them from icing over and allow for regular access and use by maintenance crews.

Pipe Freeze Protection
RCI Show 2017